Tips on Tackling the Easter Clean

Tips on Tackling the Easter Clean

Tackling the ‘Easter Clean’ seems daunting but if broken down into manageable steps you can have your house spick and span in time for the Easter break.


  1. Start small! Even a 5–10 minute burst of cleaning or organising an area can make all the difference before you begin the big clean.
  2. Do a quick walkthrough around the house and take note of what needs done in each area. You don’t need to waste your time guessing on what to do since you already know what to tackle. If you have someone to help you do the cleaning, you can also list down as to who will take care of certain chores. Instead of doing all the cleaning in one day, spread out the cleaning process for several days.
  3. After listing down the things that need to be done, the next thing you can do is to put everything back in its proper place. You won't have to waste time rearranging items or moving things from one area to another.
  4. Make sure you give your countertops a deep clean. It's essential to wipe kitchen surfaces right after you prepare your food.
  5. When it comes to your fridge, get rid of all the expired items that you've kept inside your refrigerator. Wipe down each shelf for a sparkling sight.
  6. Ensure that you scrub the bathroom floor, wipe down the toilet, and shower. Remove any stain on the sink and counters.

Take it all in! Having a tidy home will leave you with a tidy mind!