Making your own play dough at home

Did you know that making your own play dough at home is actually really simple? Your little one(s) can enjoy helping to make it AND they’ll get endless fun with the dough afterwards.

Play dough is super versatile. It is great for creative play as play dough can really be absolutely anything! It is also brilliant for working on those essential fine motor skills for pre-schoolers; it can also be a tool to help with science/math/literacy – think naming and making shapes and counting skills.


Here is my wee mummy’s recipe for getting that perfect play dough:


Plain flour – 5 cups

Water – 5 cups

Salt – 2.5 cups

Cream of tartar – 2 tbsp

Vegetable oil – 8 tbsp


Glitter and/or essential oils (optional)


  1. In a large bowl, combine all your dry ingredients (four, salt, cream of tartar) and mix well.
  2. Mix food colouring with your water first. Then add the vegetable oil and water with food colouring to a large saucepan. Mix together.
  3. Add the dry ingredients to your saucepan and mix well.
  4. Cook over low to medium heat until the dough starts to form and becomes dry.
  5. Once it starts to form a ball together and looks fully cooked, take off the heat. Let the dough cool first before touching.
  6. Once cool, knead the dough for 5 minutes to make the dough soft.
  7. Keep your dough in an airtight container/bag and it will last 2+ months.



If your dough isn’t soft, continue kneading for another 5 minutes. If you find it is still too dry, add a little bit more oil and knead in.